Tritium Levels At Fukushima Surge To New Highs

TritiumLevelsAtFukushima Surge To New Highs

As if the "developed" world did not have enough things to worry about, moments ago VOA’sSteveHermanreported that the radioactive problem in Japan, the country hosting the 2020 summer olympics, continues to deteriorate uncontrollably, and citing Jiji, said that TepcorevealedtritiumlevelsintheFukushimagroundwaterhavejustsurgedto a new high.

From Jiji, googletranslated:

A problem radioactive contamination water leaks in large quantities from a storage tank of TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the 12th, from underground water collected on the 11th in observation wells that were dug near the leak location, radioactive tritium TEPCO (triple It was announced today that it has been 97 000 becquerels per liter detection of hydrogen). Compared with values ??when measured groundwater same location on the 10th, then increased to about 1.5 times, and highs tritium concentration in groundwater was collected in this vicinity leakage after.

Which perhaps may explain why a few hours ago, an officialPRstatementwas released exonerating Japan of any evil, and promising that Fukushima is "Not a Threat" to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics:

Japan’s reputation as a ‘safe pair of hands’ gave it the edge to win the race to host the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. The decision immediately boosted investor confidence – despite the ongoing Fukushima nuclear crisis.

‘Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe assured the International Olympic Committee that the Fukushima leak was not a threat to Tokyo and took personal responsibility for keeping it safe,’ writes leading economist Professor Dr Stefan Lippert in World Review.

Persistent concerns over the leak of radioactive water from the nuclear power plant had dogged Tokyo’s Olympic bid. The crippled nuclear plant is about 250 km (155 miles) north east of Tokyo and there are fears the amount of contaminated water is getting out of control.

But winning the bid gave shares in Japan ‘an instant lift with construction companies, real estate and tourism expecting to benefit from the economic impact of staging the games,’ says Professor Dr Lippert.

This is expected to create 150,000 jobs and have a US$30 billion economic impact for Japan while boosting the mood of investors and spurring Japan’s economic recovery after two decades of lacklustre growth and the March 2011 triple disaster of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident.

‘It will support the popular belief that that Japan’s turnaround has finally begun, and contribute to the upbeat feeling in Japan since the beginning of Abenomics,’ he adds.

Dr Lippert believes that the International Olympic Committee’s decision on September 7, 2013, emphasises that the international community sees Japan as a haven of stability and wealth in the region.

‘Internationally, the vote is as an expression of confidence in Japan and its revival,’ he says.

Goebbels would be proud. Surely economist Professor Dr Lippert (odd that he could only stick two titles behind his name: doesn’t he know that his credibility grow exponentially with the number of titles – just ask any economist who signed the Yellen support letter) will demonstrate to the world just how safe Fukushima is and take a big swig of tritium from the irradiated groundwater.

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