Portugal CDS spread widens again

Portugal CDSspreadwidensagain

The date is set for the troika inspectors to pay a visit to Portugal.

CBSNews: – Portugal’s Finance Ministry says inspectors from the country’s bailout creditors will arrive Sept. 16 to assess Portugal’s progress on repairing its public finances and adopting economic reforms.

In return for a 78 billion euros rescue package in 2011, the creditors — the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank and other euro countries — demanded spending cuts to reduce debt. They also required measures to modernize the economy. Disbursement of bailout funds depends on Portugal’s compliance.

Of course these compliance targets have been loosened considerably since the original agreement. Based on the new hurdle level, Portugal should be able to pass the "inspection" this time around. Given the trajectory of the fiscal balance however, the second half of the year is less certain.

Source: CS
But even if the nation is able to meet its targets, there is no way it can return to the private markets in the near future in order to fund its government. And that’s assuming the political infighting doesn’t preclude them from running into trouble with troika in the near future (seeoverview).

TheEconomist: – Even if the recovery gathers momentum and the two governing parties manage to avoid further splits, few believe Portugal will be able to last the course without more outside help. The main question is whether this will take the form of a precautionary credit line, which the authorities could draw on as necessary, or another bail-out with further tough conditions attached. As long as the government delivers promised reforms, other euro-zone governments will probably continue to support it, possibly providing some form of debt relief without calling for write-downs by private-sector investors.

With financing sustainability in question, investors are becoming nervous once again. CDS spreads widened to the levels we saw during the constitutional crisis (seepost). It is not just the absolute level of CDS spreads that signals uncertainty. The spread to other peripheral nations, such as Italy and Spain, is now particularly wide.

Source: DB, Markit


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