Meet “” – Real Time Map Of Bitcoin Transactions By Country

Meet "" – Real Time MapOfBitcoinTransactionsByCountry

With Bitcoin ranging from $395 to $295 and back up to $370 in the last 24 hours, keeping an eye on where exactly the "selling" and "buying" is coming from may prove useful to some. As LibertyBlitzkrieg’sMikeKriegerhighlights, there is a site for that "," which uses data from the three major Bitcoin exchanges for which data is published, Mt. Gox, Bitstamp and BTC China to showyouwhichcountriesandwhichcurrencies are movinginandoutofbitcoinin real time.

As the site notes,

fiatleak – watch the world’s currencies flow into BTC in realtime

When one of the fiat currencies listed below is used to purchase BTC on any of the major bitcoin markets (MT.GOX, BITSTAMP, BTCChina) a bitcoin is sent from the currency counter in red to the country on the map. The total BTC value is listed in green and plotted across the map.

Refreshing the site will cause all data to be reset to 0, allowing you to track different periods in time.


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