Chicago PMI Explodes Most On Record To 31-Month High; Biggest Beat Ever

ChicagoPMIExplodesMostOnRecordTo 31-MonthHigh; BiggestBeatEver

Sometimesyoujusthavetolaugh… Chicago, it would seem, felt not just no bad impact from the government shutdown (that so many asset managers and CEOs have proclaimed as the reason for any slowdown – and the need to avoid a Taper) but it roaredtoitshighestsinceMarch 2011. This blewexpectationsawaybythemostonrecord (8-sigma). New orders are at the highest level since October 2004. October’s advance in the Barometer was its biggest monthly increase in over 30 years and only the third time in the past decade the Barometer has risen for four consecutive months. US equities are not happy about this apparent ‘taper-on’ improvement (and have dropped 8 points on the release) – though it appears seasonals are playing a major part.

and in context – this is an 8 sigma beat:

MNI notes however that two reasons stand out for this surge:

Half the gains stem from seasonal adjustments, andOctober is the time when pre-Chinese New Year orders hit

US equities are not happy at this "good" news…

Chart: Bloomberg

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