Unprecedented Attack On Evolution ‘Indoctrination’ Mounted In Missouri: Live from The Roasterie LXXXXXII: February 21, 2014

UnprecedentedAttackOnEvolutionIndoctrinationMountedInMissouri: LivefromTheRoasterieLXXXXXII: February 21, 2014

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DylanScott: UnprecedentedAttackOnEvolutionIndoctrinationMountedInMissouri: "A Missouri lawmaker has proposed what ranks among the most anti-evolution legislation in recent years, which would require schools to notify parents if ‘the theory of evolution by natural selection’ was being taught at their child’s school and give them the opportunity to opt out of the class….

State Rep. Rick Brattin (R), who sponsored the bill, told a local TV station last week that teaching only evolution in school was "indoctrination."… The bill is one of several anti-evolution proposals that have already appeared in statehouses across the country…. Unsurprisingly, the proposal has drawn criticism from… science teacher organizations…. [Glenn] Branch…. Evolution inextricably pervades the biological sciences; it therefore pervades, or at any rate ought to pervade, biology education at the K–12 level. There simply is no alternative to learning about it; there is no substitute activity. The value of a high school education in Missouri would be degraded"…


Willy K: Show Me Progress: The Evolution of Rick Brattin’s obsession with evolution…

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